Output Options Page (Extract Corridor Solids Wizard)

Use the Output Options page to set output options for the exported AutoCAD solids or bodies.

Output Object Type
Select the type of object you want to extract from the corridor model. You can select to extract AutoCAD Bodies, AutoCAD Solids, or AutoCAD Swept Solids.
Note: Links are always exported as bodies rather than solids (regardless of the object type you choose to create).
Output Destination
Specifies the location of the extracted solids or bodies.
  • Insert into Current Drawing: Specifies that the extracted solids or bodies are placed in the current drawing and overlay the originating corridor.
  • Add to an Existing Drawing: Specifies that the extracted solids or bodies are added to an existing drawing that you specify. Enter a name in the blank field or click the button to select a drawing.
  • Add to a New Drawing: Specifies that the extracted solids or bodies are added to a new drawing that you specify. Enter a name in the blank field or click the button to enter a file name and location for the new drawing.
Dynamic Link to Corridor
Specifies that the extracted solids will maintain a dynamic link to the corridor. If the corridor changes, the solids will change when the corridor is rebuilt.
Note: This option is active only when the Output Destination is set to Insert into Current Drawing. If you would like to maintain a dynamic link but have the corridor and the solids in different drawings, you can create a data shortcut from the corridor, insert a data shortcut reference into the current drawing, and then create the solids in the current drawing from the data referenced corridor.