Parameters Tab (Subassembly Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to view information about subassembly input and output parameters, to edit input parameter values, and or to display the Help topic for the subassembly.

This tab also displays the method that was used to create (define) this subassembly (VBA, .NET, or from polyline).

Input Values

Lists information on the input parameter values that are used to calculate the size, shape, and geometry of the subassembly. You can edit an input parameter value by clicking on a value in the Default Input Value column.

Note: To enter values for gradients, enter % values with the percent symbol included. To enter values for slopes, you can enter a ratio such as 4:1, with the colon included between two numbers, or you can enter a number that gets converted into a percent value when you click OK or Apply.
Value Name

This read-only field displays the name of each input parameter associated with the subassembly.

Default Input Value

Displays the input parameter value used in the processing for the subassembly. You can click on a value to edit it. When you edit a value and click OK or Apply, the subassembly object in the drawing is updated.

Output Values

Lists read-only information on any output parameter values used during processing for the subassembly. These output values can be used as input values for other subassemblies. The actual output values are calculated only when the assembly is applied.

Value Name

Displays the name of any output parameters used for the subassembly.

Output Value

Displays the value for any output parameters from the subassembly.

Defined From

This read-only field displays the method that was used to create this subassembly. If the subassembly was created using .NET, .NET is displayed. If the subassembly was created from a polyline, Elements is displayed. If the subassembly was created using .NET, .NET is displayed.

.NET Class Name

If the subassembly is created from .NET, this field displays the name of the .NET class that defines this subassembly. If the subassembly is created from VBA, or from a polyline, this field is not displayed.

.NET Assembly Name

Displays the name of the file that defines this subassembly. If the subassembly is created from VBA, or from a polyline, this field is not displayed.

Macro Name

If the subassembly is created from VBA, this field displays the name of the macro file that defines this subassembly. If the subassembly is created from a polyline, this field is not available. If the subassembly is created from .NET, this field is not displayed.

Project Name

If the subassembly is created from VBA, this field displays the name of the project that defines this subassembly. If the subassembly is created from a polyline, this field is not available. If the subassembly is created from .NET, this field is not displayed.

Subassembly Help

Clicking opens the Help topic that describes the construction, behavior, and other definitions of this subassembly. If the subassembly is created from a polyline, a Help topic is not available.