Export Tab (LandXML Settings Dialog Box)

Use this tab to define how data is exported from Autodesk Civil 3D to a LandXML file.


Write Identification Elements

Specifies whether the identification properties are written to the LandXML file. Select On to write identification properties to the LandXML file.

Note: If Write Identification Elements is set to Off, all other identification options are disabled.

Specifies the creator of the LandXML file.

Email Address

Specifies the creator’s email address.


Specifies the creator’s company.

Company URL

Specifies the company’s URL.

Data Settings

Imperial Units

Specifies how to tag LandXML data when working in Imperial units:

  • International Foot: Tags the data in the LandXML file as International feet.
  • Survey Foot: Tags the data in the LandXML file as Survey feet.
Angle/Direction Format

Specifies the units of the exported angles and directions:

  • Degrees Decimal (DDD.DDDDDD): Exports angles and directions as decimal degrees. Decimal degrees express the minutes and seconds of an angle as its decimal equivalent. For example, 3°30'36" equals 3.51 decimal degrees.
  • Degrees Decimal dms (DDD.MMSSSS): Exports angles and directions using the degrees, minutes, and seconds convention, in which the numbers after the decimal are read as minutes and seconds, not decimal degrees. For example, 3°30'36" equals 3.303600.
  • Grads: Exports angles and directions using grads (where one grad equals 1/100 of a 90° angle, or 360° = 400 grads).
  • Radians: Exports angles and directions using radians (where 2PI radians equals 360°).
Note: Directions are always reported in whole circle bearings. The LandXML schema does not support quadrant bearings.
Create Read-Only File

Specifies whether the LandXML file is created as a read-only file. This is done in two places: a tag is inserted into the LandXML, and the operating system file attributes on the file are set to read only. Select On to specify read only.

Point Export Settings

Code Attribute

Specifies the field that is used for the ‘code’ attribute in the LandXML file:

  • Disabled: Does not export the point description to a ‘code’ attribute.
  • Raw Description: Exports a point raw description to the ‘code’ attribute.
  • Full Description: Exports a point full description to the ‘code’ attribute.
Note: Typically you would export the raw description to the ‘code’ attribute.
Desc Attribute

Specifies the field that is used for the ‘desc’ attribute in the LandXML file:

  • Disabled: Does not export the point description to a ‘desc’ attribute.
  • Raw Description: Exports a point raw description to the ‘desc’ attribute.
  • Full Description: Exports a point full description to the ‘desc’ attribute.
Note: Typically, you would export the full description to the ‘desc’ attribute. If you select Disabled for both the Code Attribute and Desc Attribute, then no descriptions are exported.
Skip Full When Same As Raw

Specifies whether to export the full description if it is the same as the raw description:

  • On: Does not export the full description if it is the same as the raw description. For example, if the raw and full descriptions are the same, then only one value is exported. This would occur when points do not have defined description keys.
  • Off: Exports both values.
Export Point References

Specifies whether to export point references. Point references substitute a known point name instead of using northing and easting coordinates. Select On to export point references.

For example, if the start point of a line element does not have a point reference, it is written as follows:

<Start>5447.73530 4525.60643</Start>

If it has a point reference, it is written as follows:

<Start pntRef="371"></Start>

Point Reference Tolerance

Specifies the tolerance value for point references.

For example, if you enter 0.001, only those points that are located within 0.001 units of the point of interest (for example, a start point) are exported as references.

Export Description Keys

Specifies whether the description key definitions are exported. Select On to export all description key definitions in the drawing. If there are description keys in the drawing, a message dialog box is displayed.

Feature Line Export Settings

You can export feature lines using LandXML, including feature lines that have been created from alignments and corridors.

Exported feature lines created from an alignment remain dynamic to the parent alignment when the alignment is exported and imported back along with the feature lines.

Note: Feature lines cannot be exported to LandXML directly from an alignment or a corridor and must be created from the objects first before they can be exported to LandXML. Use the Create Feature Lines From Alignment and Create Feature Lines From Corridor commands to create feature lines from these objects.
Add Names to Unnamed Feature Lines
Specifies whether names are added to unnamed feature lines when they are exported.
Feature Line Name Template
Specifies the name template to use if Add Names to Unnamed Feature Lines is set to On. Click to display the Name Template dialog box.

Surface Export Settings

Surface Data

Specifies how to export the surface data:

  • Points Only: Exports surface information as points. Creates a surface that has northing, easting, and level points that are identical to the surface definition. However, the triangulation may be different from the original surface.
  • Points and Faces: Exports both the points and the surface faces, if available. Creates the surface information from the face edges and creates a surface that is identical to the surface definition.
Note: Surface breakline data is exported automatically as part of the surface data when you export a surface to LandXML. The breaklines can be reimported into a drawing from LandXML as either feature lines or 3D polylines.

Specifies whether to export watershed information with the surface data. Select On to export watershed information to the LandXML file.

Plot Export Settings

Plot Direction

Specifies the direction from the plot start point for exporting plot segments. Plot segments are exported in sequence in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.

  • Clockwise: Exports plot segments in a clockwise direction.
  • Counter-clockwise: Exports plot segments in a counter-clockwise direction.

Alignment Export Settings

Export Cross Sections

When set to On, exports cross section data if sample lines are defined for the alignment.