About Profile View Options for Plan Production

When using the plan production wizards, it is important to understand how profile view options affect the data displayed in profile views.

Sizing of the profile view in the viewport requires information from the profile view style and band set. Together these items determine the extents of the data that will be presented in the viewport. Because the profile view style and the band set determine the extent of the data presented in the view port, these items must be configured as desired before starting the Create View Frames wizard, and then selected at the time that the view frames are created (when using the Create View Frames wizard).

There are other profile view settings, however, that can be specified during the creation of the profile view, or rather, while using the Create Sheets wizard. These settings include split long section view options, profile display options, pipe network display options, and data box information.

Changing these settings is not required until the profile views are actually created. These profile view settings can be specified in one of two ways on the Profile Views page of the Create Sheets wizard. These two different methods of changing profile view information during view are described in the following table.

Method of changing profile view information Description
Selecting an existing profile view

Selecting an existing profile view does not override the profile view style and band set information used when the view frames were created.

Using the Create Multiple Profile View wizard

Using this option will allow you to step through the Create Multiple Profile View wizard with several values pre-populated (some of which cannot be changed, such as style, chainage range, etc.).

The options that will either be extracted from the selected profile view, or gathered from the Create Multiple Profile View wizard, and subsequently used in creating profile views for sheets include:

  • split long section view options
  • profile display options
  • pipe network display options
  • data box (band set) information

If desired, you can select an existing profile view when you are using the Create View Frames wizard, and then, when you are using the Create Sheets wizard, you can modify that profile view using the Multiple Profile View wizard.