To Log In to Vault

To log in to Vault

Before you can create or access project data, you must log in to a Vault server and a Vault database from the Prospector tree.

You must be an authorized user on the server before you can log in. The server and the database that you select when you log in determines what projects you can access.

Before you log in, project management commands are not available on context menus in the Prospector tree. After you log in, the projects available in the specified server and Vault database are listed in the Prospector tree, and applicable project management commands are displayed on the menus when you right-click a project item in the Prospector tree.

Tutorial Exercise: Logging In to Autodesk Vault

  1. In Toolspace, on the Prospector tab, select Master View from the list at the top of the Prospector tab.
  2. Right-click the Projects collection.
  3. Click Log In.
  4. In the Log In dialog box, enter your Vault user name.
  5. Enter your password.
  6. Select a Vault server.
  7. Select a Vault database. Click to list available databases.
  8. Optionally, select Automatically Log In Next Session.
  9. Click OK.

To log out of Vault

Logging out of Vault terminates your connection with the Vault server and the Vault database that you are logged in to.

After you log out, you can no longer view or access project data in Prospector. When you end an Autodesk Civil 3D session, you are automatically logged out.

  1. In Toolspace, on the Prospector tab, right-click the Projects collection.
  2. Click Log Out.