Volumes Dashboard

Use this dialog box to analyze the volumes for volume surfaces and bounded areas within volume surfaces.

Toggle Net Graph Panel

Shows or hides the net graph panel, which shows the total cut and fill and the net volume for the selected volume surfaces or bounded areas. Select one or more volume surfaces or bounded areas to show in the total volumes graph by clicking the box next to the volume surface or bounded area so it has a check mark . When a volume surface or bounded area is selected in the list, it is also highlighted in the drawing.

Note: The total volumes graph does not display a representation of the volumes if no surfaces or bounded areas are selected, if both a volume surface and an associated bounded area of that volume surface are selected at the same time, or if any of the selected volume surfaces are out of date.
Add Volume Surface
Adds an existing volume surface to the dashboard for analysis. When you add a volume surface to the dashboard, it is automatically selected with a check mark so that the cut, fill, net, and net graph are calculated and displayed.
Note: A volume surface must exist in the drawing before this option can be used. If no volume surfaces exist, then you can use the Create New Volume Surface option to create one.
Note: Data-referenced volume surfaces cannot be added to the Volumes Dashboard directly. However, you can create a volume surface in the current drawing that uses data-referenced surfaces for the base and/or comparison surfaces.
Create New Volume Surface

Creates a new volume surface using the Create Surface dialog box and adds the surface to the dashboard for analysis.

Note: You can specify the default volume surface type used when creating a new volume surface by modifying the Volumes Dashboard command settings. These settings also control the default Mid-Ordinate Distance, Cut Factor, Fill Factor, and Dynamic Highlight Options.
Add Bounded Volume
Limits the volume calculation to a selected bounded area of a volume surface. Add and select the volume surface first before adding a bounded volume. You are prompted to select a boundary in the drawing.
Note: The boundary can be a polyline, 3D polyline, 2D polyline, plot line, feature line, circle, ellipse, survey figure, or plot.
Note: A volume surface must be added to the dashboard and selected before this option can be used. After adding a bounded volume, you can change the selected boundary by clicking in the Boundary column of the table, and you can also grip edit the boundary in the drawing to update the volume calculations. For a boundary that has one or more arcs, you can specify a Mid-Ordinate Distance for a bounded area's breaklines, which is used to tessellate the polyline arcs from which the boundary is being created.
Remove Selected Entry

Removes the selected volume entry from the list.

Recompute Volumes

Recalculates the volumes. For example, if a surface has been updated, you can click Recompute Volumes to recalculate the volumes.

Click Generate Cut/Fill Report.
Generates a report from the selected volume surfaces and bounded areas.
Insert Cut/Fill Summary
Inserts a table into the drawing for the selected volume surfaces and bounded areas.

Volume Table

Note: You can right-click on a volume surface or bounded area in the table to access a context menu.
Displays the name of the volume surfaces that have been added to the Volumes Dashboard.
Displays an object selection icon which you can click to reselect the boundary for a bounded area.
Mid-Ordinate Distance
Used for bounded areas only. Specifies the mid-ordinate distance for the bounded area's breaklines, which is used to tessellate the polyline arcs from which the boundary is being created.
Cut Factor
Specifies the cut factor to apply to the volume calculations. For more information, see Edit Feature Settings - Surface Dialog Box.
Fill Factor
Specifies the fill factor to apply to the volume calculations. For more information, see Edit Feature Settings - Surface Dialog Box.
Specifies the surface style to apply to the volume surface in the drawing.
2D Area
Displays the 2D area of the volume surface or bounded area.
Cut (Adjusted)

Displays the amount of material that has to be removed for the base surface to equal the comparison surface. If a Cut Factor is specified, it is applied.

Note: Edits to the constituent surfaces may cause the cut, fill, and net volumes to be out of date. Click Recompute Volumes, or right-click the surface in the Volumes Dashboard and click Rebuild to update the volumes.
Fill (Adjusted)

Displays the amount of material that has to be added for the base surface to equal the comparison surface. If a Fill Factor is specified, it is applied.

Net (Adjusted)

Displays the difference between the cut volume and the fill volume.

Net Graph

Displays a graphical percentage representation of the volume surface or bounded area: