To Create a Survey Figures Report

Create a report that lists figure properties based on a selected survey database and user-specified filters.

  1. In the Toolspace, on the Toolbox tab, expand Miscellaneous Utilities Reports Survey. Double-click Survey Figures Report.
  2. In the Create Report - Survey Figures Report dialog box, select the appropriate Survey Database.
  3. Under Selection, specify the figures to include in the report.
  4. Under Filters, specify the desired report filters by selecting the appropriate check boxes, specifying the applicable values, and then clicking Apply Filters.
    • Site: Restrict to specified sites. Click to select sites within the current drawing.
    • Figure Style: Restrict to specified figure styles. Click to select styles within the current drawing.
    • Figure Names: Restrict to specified figure names. Click to select names within the current drawing.
    • Breakline: Include or exclude figures that are defined as breaklines.
    • Plot Line: Include or exclude figures that are defined as plot lines.
    • Closed: Include or exclude closed figures.
    • Area: Restrict the report to figure nodes and points that are within a specified figure, plot, or closed polyline.
    • Survey Extended Properties: Include figures that match Survey LandXML or Survey User-Defined extended properties.

    The Selected Figures table displays the figures that meet the criteria of the specified filters.

  5. Under Report Settings, use the table to specify the data to include in the report, as well as the order in which the data is presented:
    • Arrow Buttons: Move the currently selected row up or down in the table.
    • Include: Includes a property in the report when the check box is selected. To remove a property from the report, clear the check box.
    • Property: Identifies the property name.
    • Column Name: Specifies the user-defined column name for the property in the report.
  6. Under Save Report To, click to browse to the location to which you want to save the report, enter a file name, and select a file format.
  7. Optionally select the Output to ASCII File check box and specify the type of file to output.
    Note: If this check box is selected, the report is output and displayed as a TXT file when you click Create Report.
  8. Click Create Report.

    The report is displayed, and is saved to the specified location.

  9. If you want to generate another report, you may modify the report parameters and click Create Report again.
  10. Click Done to close the dialog box and save the current report parameters for a future session.