To Change Alignment Design Speed and Design Criteria Properties

  1. Click Alignment tabModify panelAlignment Properties drop-downAlignment Properties Find.
    Note: The tab most recently opened in the Alignment Properties dialog box is displayed by default.
  2. In the Alignment Properties dialog box, click the Design Criteria tab.
  3. Click .

    A new row is displayed in the table.

  4. In the Start Chainage column, enter the chainage at which the design speed begins.
  5. For Design Speed, enter the design speed.

    The default Design Speed value is specified in the alignment feature settings.

  6. Repeat Steps 3 through 5 to add more design speeds.

    An alignment can have unlimited numbers of design speeds, but only one speed at any given chainage. When a chainage has a design speed, that speed applies to subsequent chainages until either the next chainage at which a design speed is set, or the alignment end chainage. If a single element has multiple speeds assigned to it, the highest speed is used to validate that element against the design criteria. The lower speed values are ignored.

    Note: To calculate superelevation, you must specify design speeds.
  7. On the right side of the dialog box, modify the design criteria as desired.
  8. Click OK.
    Note: If design criteria has been associated with the alignment, the entire alignment design is validated when you click either Apply or OK.