About Plot Label Styles

Plot label styles control the appearance of plot labels and the information they contain.

Plot label styles include styles for area labels and segment labels (line labels and curve labels). Specify which label styles to use when you create plots, and when adding labels. Line and curve general label styles can also be applied to plot segment labels.

You can create, edit, or delete plot label styles in the Label Styles collection in Toolspace, on the Settings tab. Create an entirely new plot label style, or create one based on an existing style.

Specifying Label Contents

Plot label styles specify label contents that are composed of several information components. These components are identified in the Component list on the Layout tab of the Label Style Composer dialog box. You can add or delete information components as needed, except with segment label styles, which have a permanent Table Tag component. The Table Tag component is essential for correlating segments in the drawing with those in a segment table.

When a given information component is selected in a styles Component list, its settings are displayed below it. Edit the Content setting to specify the components information. Edit other settings to specify how the component is displayed, including its relative position. You can preview a label in the Preview pane of the Layout tab.

Labels for line and curve segments include a property to span an outside segment. Set this property to True to apply a single label to any segment that runs along the outside edge of multiple plots. Set this property to False to label the segment for each plot separately. Set this property on the Layout tab of the Label Style Composer dialog box.

Segment Labels and Tags

Segment label styles (unlike area label styles) include a Display Mode value, either Label or Tag. Labels are typically used to display engineering data adjacent to each segment. They can include multiple lines of text. Tags are generally much smaller. They display a reference number and perhaps one other element such as a direction arrow. The tag numbers appear in the first column of a table that contains the engineering data. By using tags, you can eliminate plot segment data from the drawing and organize the data in a separate table. Within a drawing, you can use labels on some segments and tags on others.

Each information component in a segment label styles label template specifies a Used In value: Label Mode, Tag Mode, or Label And Tag Modes. These settings can help you assign data to either labels, tags, or both.

Labels, Table Tags, and Tables

To include a segment in a table the segment must have a style with the value set to Tag for the Display Mode property. The Table Tag component must have its Used In property set to either Tag Mode or Label And Tag Modes.

Area label styles do not have a Display Mode property. You can use any piece of information as the table tag. Typically the plot number is used, but it can be another information component. The table tag, whatever it is, must also be included in the first cell of the corresponding table row. This information is specified in the tables style.