Section Tab (Structure Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to define the appearance of the 3D object used to represent the structure in a section view.


Specifies the method that will be used to define and draw the dimensions of the structure in a section view.

Display As Solid

The 3D object defined in the parts catalog is used when displaying the structure in 3D. This option is enabled by default. A preview image is not available for this option.

Sliced Section

Specifies that a structure drawn in section view uses the actual position of where the sample line crosses the structure.

Display As Boundary

Only the outer boundary of the structure, as defined in the parts catalog, is used when displaying the structure in a section view.

Display As Block

Specifies that the structure style uses an AutoCAD block reference to display the structure. The Preview control displays the block listed in the Block Name drop-down list. The control lists all the blocks defined in the current drawing.

  • Block Name: Specifies the name of the drawing file to use as a structure symbol.
  • Select Drawing File Button: Click to select a drawing file to use as a structure symbol.
Size Options

When an AutoCAD block is selected above, the following size options are available:

  • Use Drawing Scale: When this option is selected, the specified value in the Units edit box (inches, or millimeters, when the drawing linear unit is set to Feet or Meters, respectively) is multiplied by the drawing scale to determine the size of the structure symbol displayed in the drawing. Use this setting when annotation symbols are used.
  • Use Size As Percentage Of Screen: When this option is selected, the value specified in the Units edit box is a percentage of the drawing screen size. The size of the structure symbol displayed in the drawing is always the same percentage specified of the drawing screen size.
  • Use Size In Absolute Units: When this option is selected, the specified value that is entered in the Units edit box is an absolute value of the drawing linear units. The title text above this box displays Feet when the drawing units are set to feet, and Meters when the drawing units are set to meters.
  • Use Fixed Scale: When this option is selected the Fixed Scale group box is enabled. The structure symbol will be scaled by the Fixed Scale X, Y, and Z parameters.
  • Use Fixed Scale From Part Size: When this option is selected the Fixed Scale group box is enabled. The structure symbol will be scaled by the Fixed Scale X, Y, and Z parameters based on the object part size.
Inch or Percent

The type of units displayed above this box depends on what is selected in the Size options box.

  • Use Drawing Scale: When this option is selected, the title above this box displays as Inches when the drawing units are set to Feet, and Millimeters when the drawing units are set to Meters.
  • Use Size Relative To Screen: When this option is selected, the title above this box displays as Percent.
  • Use Size In Absolute Units: When this option is selected, the title above this box displays as Inches when the drawing units are set to Feet, and Millimeters when the drawing units are set to Meters.
  • Use Fixed Scale: When this option is selected, the units box is disabled and the Fixed Scale X, Y, and Z boxes are enabled.
  • Use Fixed Scale From Part Size: When this option is selected, the units box is disabled and the Fixed Scale X, Y, and Z boxes are enabled. The block size is based on the part size. The default fixed scale factor for the block is 1 for X & Y.
Enable Part Masking

Specifies whether the pipe objects are masked by the plan structure object. This control is enabled by default.


When Display As Boundary or Display As Block is selected, this area displays a preview of the image with the current settings.