Sections Tab (Sample Line Group Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to edit properties of sections that are included in the selected sample line group.

Sample More Sources

Click the Sample More Sources button to open the Select Style dialog box.

Sections List


Specifies the name of the section associated with the selected sample line group.


Specifies the name of the style of the section. Click in the column to open the Select Style dialog box. Select a style in the list or use the standard controls to create a new style, copy or edit the current style selection, or pick a style from the drawing.

Update Mode

Specifies the type of update mode for the section. Select Dynamic to specify that the cross section updates dynamically if the position of the sample line associated with the section changes or the data source (surface, corridor, or pipe) geometry changes.


Specifies the drawing layer that contains the section associated with the selected sample line group. The default is 0 (base), which is the default layer defined in the drawing layer settings. Click in the Layer column to open the Layer Selection dialog box. Select a layer in the Layers table.


Displays the chainage value of the sample line along which the current section is sampled.

Show Sections For All Sources

Select the Show Sections for all Sources check box to view all chainages of each section, arranged in an expandable tree or hierarchy.