Design Criteria Editor Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to modify the design criteria file.

The design criteria file contains standards tables for design speed, superelevation attainment method, and minimum speed, radius, and length of individual alignment and profile sub-elements.

This file can also include criteria to support automatically adding widening to dynamic offset alignments.

If your local agency standards differ from the standards in the supplied design criteria file, you can use the Design Criteria Editor dialog box to customize the file to support your local standards.

General Controls and Toolbar (unlabled)

New Button

Creates an empty design criteria file containing the Units, Alignments, and Profiles nodes in the design criteria hierarchy panel.

Open Button

Opens a browse dialog box, which allows you to select another design criteria file to edit.

Save Button

Saves unsaved changes to the currently open design criteria file.

Save As Button

Saves the currently open design criteria file using a new, user-specified name.

Undo Button

Reverses the most recent change to the currently open design criteria file.

Redo Button

Reverses the most recent undo operation in the currently open design criteria file.

Make File Read-Only Check Box

Prevents the currently open design criteria file from being modified. If selected, the Save, Save As, Undo, and Redo buttons are not available.

Save And Close Button

Saves unsaved changes to the currently open design criteria file and closes the Design Criteria Editor dialog box.

Cancel Button

Clears unsaved changes to the currently open design criteria file and closes the Design Criteria Editor dialog box.

Help Button

Opens the Design Criteria Editor dialog box help topic.

Design Criteria Hierarchy Panel (Unlabeld)

The design criteria hierarchy panel displays the basic categories of information in the design criteria file. Nodes that are preceded by are containers for criteria tables or other container nodes. Nodes that are preceded by are criteria tables, which contain the design criteria property values that are applied to the alignment or profile. Right-click a node to add new or nodes to it. Click a node to edit the table contents in the Attributes panel.

Collapse All Button

Collapses all the categories in the design criteria panel.

Expand All Button

Expands all the categories in the design criteria panel.

Units Node

Specifies the units of measure for the design criteria file. This value can be either Metric or Imperial. Select a units value, and then specify the individual unit values in the Attributes panel.

Alignments Node

Contains the design criteria for alignments. Select a criteria table, and then specify the individual criteria values in the Attributes panel. The following categories and criteria are available this node:

  • Minimum Radius Tables
  • Superelevation Attainment Methods: Standard or Planar (Continuing or Opposing)
  • Superelevation Tables: Design Speed (Superelevation Design Speed or Transition Length Tables)
Profiles Node

Contains the design criteria for profiles. Select a criteria table, and then specify the individual criteria values in the Attributes panel. You can create multiple Minimum K Values in this category. Each Minimum K Table can contain any of the following criteria tables:

  • Stopping Sight Distance
  • Overtaking Sight Distance
  • Headlight Sight Distance

Attributes Panel (Unlabled)

Add Button

Adds a row to the attribute table. If an existing row is selected, the new row is added below the selected row. If a row is not selected, the new row is added to the end of the attribute table.

Delete Button

Deletes the currently selected rows.

Attribute Columns

Specify the attributes for the currently selected criteria table. Values in the individual cells are editable.

Comments Panel

User-specified comments for the currently selected container or criteria table node. Comments may be added to any node in the design criteria hierarchy panel.