About Alignment Label Sets

Use the Alignment Labels dialog box to assign styles to the individual elements that you want to label on the alignment. Then save the group of labels as a label set.

For example, you can create a label set that only includes major and minor chainage types, and another label set that includes major and minor chainages, and also geometry points, chainage equations, and design speeds. You can determine the style, start chainage, and end chainage for each type of individual label in the label set.

A label set can contain multiple instances of a label type. You can assign different label styles to the individual geometry points in the Geometry Points, Profile Geometry Points, Superelevation Critical Points and Cant Critical Points label types. For example, you can create a label set that contains multiple occurrences of the Geometry Points label type. One occurrence can label the Alignment Beginning and Alignment End points using a style. A second occurrence of the Geometry Points label type can label the Straight-Straight Intersect and Straight-Curve Intersect points using a different style.

After you save a label set, you can reuse it by importing it to the alignment.

Label sets include the following label types:

Tutorial Exercise: Adding Labels in Groups