Profile Tab (Pipe Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to define the appearance of the pipe in a profile view.

Pipe Wall Sizes

Specifies the method that will be used to define and draw the dimensions of the pipe wall.

Use Part Dimensions

The inner and outer pipe wall dimensions are drawn according to the actual pipe dimensions.

User Defined

The inner and outer pipe wall dimensions are drawn according to user-specified values. The following size options are available:

  • Use Drawing Scale: Specifies that the value in the Units edit box (inches, or millimeters, when the drawing linear unit is set to Feet or Meters, respectively) will be multiplied by the drawing scale to determine the width of the pipe walls displayed in the drawing. Then the user enters the desired inner and outer wall dimensions in the text boxes below.
  • Use Size As Percentage Of Screen: Specifies that the value in the Units edit box is a percentage of the drawing screen size. The width of the pipe walls displayed in the drawing will always be the percentage specified of the drawing screen size.
  • Use Size In Absolute Units: Specifies that the value entered in the Units edit box is an absolute value of the drawing linear units. The static text of the Units edit box displays Feet when the drawing units are set to Feet, and Meters when the drawing units are set to Meters.

Pipe Hatch Options

Specifies which components of the pipe shape display a hatch pattern.

Hatch To Inner Walls

The hatch pattern is displayed only in the central area of the pipe, and not in the pipe wall area of the pipe. When this option is selected, the pipe wall (which is the area between the inner wall and the outer wall of the pipe) is not hatched.

Hatch To Outer Walls

The hatch pattern is displayed in the entire area of the pipe, including the pipe wall area. When this option is selected, the pipe wall (which is the area between the inner wall and the outer wall of the pipe) is hatched.

Hatch Walls Only

The hatch pattern is displayed only in the pipe wall area. The pipe wall area is the area between the pipe inner wall and the pipe outer wall.

Pipe End Line Size

Specifies the method that will be used to define and draw the dimensions of the pipe ends.

Draw To Inner Walls

The pipe end line draws to the inner walls of the pipe.

Draw To Outer Walls

The pipe end line draws to the outer walls of the pipe.

User Defined

The pipe end lines draw to a size specified by the user. The size options available are the same as the options available for the pipe wall dimensions.

Crossing Pipe Hatch Options

Specifies which components of a pipe crossing display a hatch pattern.

Hatch To Inner Walls

The hatch pattern is displayed only to the inner walls of pipe crossings.

Hatch To Outer Walls

The hatch pattern is displayed all the way to the outer walls of pipe crossings.

Hatch Walls Only

The hatch pattern is displayed only within the pipe wall area of pipe crossings.

Align Hatch To Pipe

When this option is selected, the angle of the hatch lines for the pipe align with the angle of the pipe.

Clean Up Pipe To Pipe Connections

When this option is selected, the appearance of pipe to pipe connections in profile view is cleaned up. This option is available for multiple adjoining pipes that are connected to other pipes with null structures. This option must be selected for the clean up to occur, and the cleanup occurs only on the pipes that are connected to other pipes with null structures between them. For more information, see About Cleaning Up Pipe-to-Pipe Connections. You can also set this option on the Plan tab of the Pipe Style dialog box for pipe to pipe connections displayed in plan views. By default, this option is not checked.