Use this dialog box to create sample lines along an alignment for specified corridor chainages.
Displays the name of the currently selected alignment associated with the range of chainages.
Specifies whether the chainage range starts at the beginning of the alignment (that is, at the chainage located at the beginning of the alignment):
Specifies the beginning chainage in the range. Enter a chainage value directly or click to pick from the drawing. Available if From Alignment Start is False.
Specifies whether the chainage range ends at the end of the alignment (that is, at the final chainage along the alignment):
Specifies the end chainage in the range. Enter a chainage value directly or click to pick from the drawing. Available if To Alignment End is False.
Specifies that the sample line snaps the swath widths to an offset alignment at each chainage:
Specifies the currently selected alignment. Available if Snap To Alignment is True.
Specifies the swath width to the left of the alignment, using the actual ground units. Enter a positive value in ground units. Available if Snap To Alignment is False.
Specifies that the sample line snaps the swath widths to an offset alignment at each chainage:
Specifies the currently selected alignment. Available if Snap To Alignment is True.
Specifies the swath width to the right of the alignment, using the actual ground units. Enter a positive value in ground units. Available if Snap To Alignment is False.