Roundabout Standard Editor: Road Markings: Road Marking

Click the New button on the Road Markings page or select the required road marking from the expanded list. The Road Marking page is displayed.

Enter the Name of the sign location. This is the name that displays in the list of road markings and must be unique.

Select the Type of road marking. This determines which of the other fields remain active or editable.

You may use the Filter field to further restrict the number of markings listed in the Appearance.

Select the required marking from the Appearance list. There may be variants, such as different sizes, which will be listed under Options.

Some markings may have optional terminal marks on one or both ends and these are specified in Terminal Marks.

Lateral Offset is the offset of the marking across the road or arm, thus:

Longitudinal Offset is the offset of the marking in the direction of the road or arm, thus:

Angular Offset is the offset of a feature, measured as an angle, thus:

Tangential Offset is used to make small adjustments to the alignment of the spiral exit road markings on exit. It is the angle between the tangent to the exit road marking where it intersects the ICD, and the end of the spiral marking. These two markings should meet tangentially and any adjustment that you make will include a transition curve to avoid any abrupt changes of direction.

Select Break at Pedestrian Crossing if the line should not be continuous through a crossing.

Select Leave Gaps for Entry Lanes if a circulatory marking should have gaps where entry lanes cross.

Select Leave Gaps for Lane Transitions if a circulatory marking should have gaps to indicate where vehicles may change lanes.

Select Extend Central Island to mark a no-go area between the innermost circulatory road marking and the centre island.

Click Delete to remove the road marking.