Survey Query Examples

Examine some simple, common survey queries.

To understand how to construct a survey query, examine the queries that are described in this topic.

LandXML Terrain

This query uses standard properties from LandXML. It includes points that have been marked as ground points, and figures that are marked as either breaklines or ground.

  Property Operator Value
Points By Query    
  CgPoint.DTMAttribute is equal to Ground
Figures By Query    
  Breakline is equal to TRUE
OR Chain.DTMAttribute is equal to Ground
Default Sort Order in Editor      
Order Points By Number Ascending  
Order Figures By Name Ascending  

All Points Only

This query includes all survey points, and no figures.

  Property Operator Value
Points All    
Figures None    
Default Sort Order in Editor      
Order Points By Number Ascending  

All Figures Only

This query includes all survey figures, and no points.

  Property Operator Value
Points None    
Figures All    
Default Sort Order in Editor      
Order Points By Number Ascending