To Grip Edit a Roundabout

The Roundabout Properties dialogue is ideal for making precise changes to dimensions, but for general 'what-if' analyses grip-editing can be invaluable.

  1. Select the roundabout you want to edit.
  2. Grips display at key points on the roundabout. As you move the cursor over a grip, the grip tip is displayed.

    The green grip near the centre of the roundabout is used to move the entire roundabout, while the other blue grips are used to move or resize features of the roundabout.

  3. Left click on a grip to select it.
  4. Move the cursor and some or all of the roundabout are shown ghosted and moving with the cursor. The style sheet lets you control which elements are ghosted during grip editing.
  5. As you move the cursor, you may see one or more dynamically updated dimension lines connecting the selected grip to other features. These are there to help you grip edit.
  6. Left click again to confirm the new position for the grip or right click to cancel.