Calculate Cant Wizard - Attainment Method Page

Use this page of the Calculate Cant wizard to specify the equilibrium cant formula, maximum allowable cant deficiency, and attainment and transition tables.

Equilibrium Cant

Specifies the formula that calculates the level of one rail relative to the other to compensate for lateral forces due to horizontal curvature.

Click to either specify another formula or to build an expression.

Maximum Allowable Cant Deficiency

Specifies the maximum allowable difference between equilibrium cant and applied cant.

Click to either specify another formula or to build an expression.

Design Criteria

Specifies the xml file and tables used to calculate cant.

Design Criteria File

Specifies the name and location of the design criteria file. This file defines the applied cant tables, transition length tables, and attainment methods for various railway types and design speeds.

Note: The specified design criteria file determines the options that are available in the Applied Cant Table, Transition Length Table, and Attainment Method options in the drop-down lists.
Applied Cant Table

Specifies the amount by which the ballast is elevated or lowered in relation to the profile grade line.

Transition Length Table

Specifies the name of the cant transition length table used to calculate the transition chainages. Click the arrow to display a list of the transition length tables associated with the specified Applied Cant Table.

Attainment Method

Specifies the name of the cant attainment method. Click the arrow to display a list of the attainment methods associated with the specified design criteria file.

Attainment Transition Variables

Specifies the parameter for the transition formula from the criteria file. The percentage that is entered is converted to a decimal percent and used in the formula. If the specified Attainment Method does not recognize this parameter, this section is disabled. If a curve is preceded or succeeded by another curve, the straight transition formula is applied.

  • % On Straight for Straight-Curve: Specifies the percent of the transition length that is located on the straight for straight-curve or curve-straight situations. By default, this value is taken from the Cant Settings in the Edit Feature Settings - Alignment dialog box. This is disabled if the variable is not used in the selected Attainment Method.
  • % On Transition for Transition-Curve: Specifies the percent of the transition length that is located on the transition for transition-curve or curve-transition situations. By default, this value is taken from the Cant Settings in the Edit Feature Settings - Alignment dialog box. This is disabled if the variable is not used in the selected Attainment Method.
  • Maximum Applied Cant On Straight for Straight-Curve: Specifies the maximum allowable applied cant on a straight in straight-curve situations. By default, this value is taken from the Cant Settings in the Edit Feature Settings - Alignment dialog box. This is disabled if the variable is not used in the selected Attainment Method.

Automatically Resolve Overlap

Specifies to automatically detect overlap conditions and set the overlapping chainages to the same chainage. This option is only available when cant is applied to the whole alignment. When cant is being calculated for anything other than the entire alignment, this control is hidden.