To Correct Alignment Design Criteria Violations

To correct alignment design criteria violations by entering numeric values

  1. Click the alignment. Click Alignment tabModify panelGeometry Editor Find.
  2. On the Alignment Layout Tools toolbar, click Alignment Grid View.
  3. In the Alignment Elements vista, click the row that contains the warning symbol in the No. column.

    The sub-element parameters are displayed in the Alignment Layout Parameters dialog box.

  4. In the Alignment Layout Parameters dialog box, locate the warning symbol in either of the following panels:
    • Layout Parameters panel — In the Value column, enter a numeric value that meets the value specified in the Constraints column.
    • Design Checks panel — Notice that the design check that has been violated. Modify the alignment design to meet the parameters specified in the design check.

To correct alignment design criteria violations using grips

  1. In the drawing window, hover the cursor over a warning symbol.

    A tooltip displays information about the violation.

  2. Select the alignment.
  3. Use the alignment grips to modify the alignment geometry.

    The warning symbol disappears when the sub-element meets the design criteria.

    Note: If a sub-element violates more than one criteria or design check, only one warning symbol is displayed on the sub-element. To clear the warning symbol, the sub-element must be modified to meet all the design criteria.