Projections Tab (Profile View Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to edit the level or style of a projected object or to remove or add projected objects.

Selecting the Projection Properties command opens the Projections Tab of the Profile View Properties dialog box.

If no objects are projected in the profile view, then this tab is not displayed in the dialog box.


Specifies the names and categories of objects that are available for display in the current profile view. Click to add or remove objects in the profile view.


Specifies the display style of each projected object. Click a single entry to change it, or click <set all> for a category to select a style for all objects in that category.

Note: Multipurpose Projection Styles are used for AutoCAD objects. Each Projection Style includes settings for all types of AutoCAD objects that can be projected. Autodesk Civil 3D object styles control the appearance of Autodesk Civil 3D objects that are projected. Points use the point marker style. Feature lines use the feature line style Profile and Section tab settings. Survey figures use the figure style Profile and Section tab settings.
Level Options

Specifies whether the level of the projected object is determined by its level in plan view (Use Object) or manually controlled in the profile view. Click a single entry to change it, or click <set all> for a category to select an option for all objects in that category.

Note: The Level Option and Level Value cannot be specified for bridges that have been brought into Civil 3D from InfraWorks.
Level Value

Specifies the actual level of the projected object. Click <set all> for a category to select a level for all objects in that category.

Label Style
Specifies the label style to use for the projected objects. Labels can be added to all non-linear object types (solids, blocks, multi-view blocks, points, COGO points and bridges).
Pick Objects

Click to select objects in the drawing and add them to the profile view.