Import / Re-import Survey LandXML Data Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify the import settings and the survey data to import from a LandXML file.

Import Settings

Current Equipment Database

Specifies the current equipment database. Click the equipment database from the drop-down list. For more information, see Survey Equipment Database.

Note: The list of available databases is determined by the databases listed in the Equipment Databases collection in the ToolspaceSurvey tab.
Current Equipment

Specifies the current equipment to use. Click the equipment name from the drop-down list.

The current equipment sets the values associated with a specific surveying instrument, such as the units used to measure angles and distances, and/or the standard deviations associated with the equipment's measuring capabilities. This information is used in various calculations including least squares.

Current Figure Prefix Database

Specifies the current figure prefix database. Click the figure prefix database from the drop-down list.

Figure prefixes enable you to determine the layer that a figure is drawn on by creating a prefix for a group of figure names. All figures with a specific prefix are placed on a specific layer.

The list of available databases is determined from the databases listed in the Figure Prefix Databases collection on the Toolspace Survey tab.

Process Linework During Import

Click Yes to process line work during the import.

Current Linework Code Set

Specifies the linework code file to use when linework processing occurs.

Process Linework Sequence

Specifies the order in which survey point descriptions are processed to determine linework connectivity. Select one of the following:

  • By Import Order - processes points in the order which they are imported. Point names are always processed by import order.
  • By Point Number - processes points sequentially by point number (ascending order only).
Import Event Name

Specify a name for the import event. The name of the file you are importing is displayed by default.

Import Event Description

Optionally, enter a description of the import event.

Assign Offset To Point Identifiers

Specifies that an offset is applied to the point identifier before the points are imported into the survey database.

Point Identifier Offset

Specifies the offset value that is applied to the point identifier. For example, if the offset value is 1000, point number 101 is renumbered to 1101, or point name KC101 is renamed as KC101.1000.

Insert Network Object

Specifies whether to create a network object in the drawing.

Insert Figure Objects

Specifies whether to create figure objects in the drawing.

Insert Survey Points

Specifies that survey points are inserted into the drawing.

Display Tolerance Errors In Event Viewer

Select Yes to display tolerance errors in the Event Viewer when you import Survey LandXML files. For more information, see To Report Tolerance Errors.

LandXML Data tree

Lists the LandXML header information for each data component that can be imported. Only the following LandXML components are displayed in the LandXML Data tree (if they exist in the selected LandXML file). Non-survey LandXML elements are not displayed.

Expand each of the collections to display all of the sub-components.

Select or clear the check boxes to the left of each data component name to filter the data that is imported into Autodesk Civil 3D. By default, all data components are selected for import.

Note: The check boxes have a tri-state display. If only some items are selected under a collection, the check box is dimmed ; if all items are selected, the check box is selected ; if all items below the collection are cleared, the check box for the collection is cleared .
File Name

Displays the path and file name of the selected LandXML file.


If current Coordinate Zone property in the Survey Database Settings is set and this value is different, a coordinate transformation is attempted (the Survey Database Settings Distance property is also used to scale the coordinate values during the transformation).


If the Units linearUnit setting is different from the Survey Database Settings Units Distance property, observation distance and target heights values are converted.

If the Units angularUnit settings is different from the Survey Database Settings Units Angle property, observation angle (horizontal, vertical, and direction) values are converted.

Note: The internal units of the survey database are angle values in Radians and distance and coordinate values in Meters.

This element maps to a survey network in Autodesk Civil 3D. The Name attribute sets the name of new network in the survey database, or if a network of the same name exists in the survey database, it may be overwritten or appended to, depending on the LandXML Import Settings.


Maps to a survey figure. For each PlanFeature:

  • The PlanFeature Name attribute is the name assigned to the new figure.
  • If the PlanFeature name matches a figure prefix in the current figure prefix database, the figure prefix properties are assigned to the new or existing figure.

A Plot maps to a survey figure. For each Plot:

  • The PlotName attribute is the name assigned to the new figure.
  • If the Plot name matches a figure prefix in the current figure prefix database, the figure prefix properties are assigned to the figure, except for the Plot Line property.
  • The Plot Line property is always set to True for each Plot imported into a figure. This overrides a figure prefix property if a figure prefix match occurs.
Note: If the figure prefix does not have a Site name, the default Site name is used when the figure is inserted into a drawing.

A CgPoint point maps to a survey point. Each CgPoint is added to the Non-Control Points collection in the survey database.