Layout Tab (Slope Marking Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to configure the appearance of a slope marking.

Each line in the slope marking is a separate component.


Specifies the name of the slope marking component represented in the table of parameter values. You can use the buttons next to this field to add, copy, or delete a component.

Add Component

Creates a new component using the default parameters. Opens the New Slope Marking Component dialog box. Specify the position of the new component in relation to existing components.

Copy Component

Creates a new component using the same parameters as the current component. Opens the New Slope Marking Component dialog box. Specify the position of the new component in relation to existing components.

Delete Component

Removes the current component from the slope marking. Not available if only one component exists.

Slope Line Parameters

Pattern Start

Specifies whether the pattern begins at the top or bottom of the slope.

Length Type

Specifies how to determine the line length for this component. Each option invokes one or more additional parameters, as described:

  • Length: Specifies that Line length is a fixed value. Related parameter Length specifies the value in drawing units (usually feet or meters). The line is trimmed if the slope is shorter than this length.
  • Percent of Length: Specifies that Line length is a percentage of the slope length, up to a specified maximum. Related parameters: Percent of Length specifies the percentage value; Maximum Length specifies the maximum line length in drawing units.
  • Slope Ratio: Specifies that line length varies directly with the steepness of the slope. Related parameters: Slope 1 and Slope 2 specify outside limits for slope values that are represented by line length; Percent of Length 1 specifies the line length as a percent of slope length for Slope 1; Percent of Length 2 specifies the same value for Slope 2. Example: Slope 1 = 6:1, Percent of Length 1 = 20%, Slope 2 = 2:1, Percent of Length 2 = 80%. On a 10-feet long slope, a 6:1 slope is marked with a 2-feet line and a 2:1 slope is marked with an 8-feet line. An intermediate value, 4:1, is marked with a 5-feet line. An outside value, 10:1, is marked with a 1-foot line.

Specifies the color of the line.


Opens the Select Linetype dialog box. Specify the linetype for the component.


Opens the Select Lineweight dialog box. Specify the lineweight for the component.

Slope Line Offset Parameters

Offset Type

Specifies how to determine the offset distance between this component and the previous component in the slope line style. Distances are measured as a linear value along the feature and an angular value around exterior corners. Each option invokes additional parameters as described.

  • Percent of Length: Specifies that Offset is a percentage of the slope length at the position being offset from. Related parameters: Percent of Length specifies the percentage; Minimum Distance and Maximum Distance specify values for minimum and maximum offsets in drawing units; Radial Offset Angle specifies the angular value.
  • Distance: Specifies that Offset is a fixed value. Related parameters: Distance specifies the linear value in drawing units (usually feet or meters); Radial Offset Angle specifies the angular value. The Radial Offset Angle parameter is not used in corridors.
  • Divide: Specifies that Offset evenly divides the distance between the previous and the next components to insert one or more instances of the current component. This option is not available if the previous or next component is set to Divide. Related parameter: Number of Lines specifies the number of instances of this component to insert.

Slope Line Symbol

Symbol Type

Specifies whether a symbol is added to the beginning of the slope line, and if so, the type of symbol:

  • None: No symbol.
  • AutoCAD Block: Adds a block that is defined in the drawing. Related parameter: Block Name specifies the block to insert.
  • Triangle: Adds a triangle.
  • Filled Triangle: Adds a triangle with a solid fill.
  • Tapered Lines: Adds a set of lines parallel to the edge of the slope, tapering toward the slope line in a triangular pattern. A gap exists between the last tapered line and the slope line. Related parameter: Number of Lines specifies the number of lines to include in the set.
  • Tapered Lines (No Gap): Adds a set of tapered lines, and attaches the last tapered line to the slope line. Related parameter: Number of Lines specifies the number of lines to include in the set.
Length Type

Specifies how to determine the length of the symbol. Each option invokes an additional parameter:

  • Length: Specifies that Symbol length is a fixed value. Related parameter Length specifies the value in drawing units (usually feet or meters).
  • Percent of Length: Specifies that symbol length is a percentage of the slope length. Related parameter Percent of Length specifies the percentage value.
Width Ratio

Specifies the ratio of the symbol’s width to its length along the slope line (width = length * width ratio).


Specifies the color of the symbol.


Opens the Select Linetype dialog box. Specify the linetype for the symbol.


Opens the Select Lineweight dialog box. Specify the lineweight for the symbol.

General Properties

Minimum Display Length

Specifies the minimum slope length on which to display the slope marking.

Use the following parameters to configure the sample slope in the preview window.

Preview Feature Length

Specifies the length of feature line to display.

Preview Slope Length

Specifies the length of slope to display.

Preview Slope

Specifies the slope value to display.