Edit Feature Settings - Point Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to view and change point-related settings.

This topic documents settings in all point-related Edit Settings dialog boxes (drawing-level, feature-level, and command-level).

You can also change the settings at the command level in the Create Points dialog box.

Default Styles

Use these settings to establish the default styles assigned to points and points labels.

Important: By default, in the Create Points dialog box - Points Creation section the Disable Description Keys value is set to false and the controls in the Default Styles section are not available. To enable the Default Styles controls, set the Disable Description Keys value to true.
Point Style

Specifies the default point style. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Point Style dialog box.

Point Label Style

Specifies the default point label style. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Point Label Style dialog box.

Default Name Format

Use these settings to specify the default name formats for new points and point groups. Click in the Value column, and click to make changes in the Name Template dialog box.

Update Points

Use this setting to specify whether you can change local copies of project points without checking them out.

Important: If you edit local copies of project points in a drawing without checking them out, you cannot check the points in to the project. Your changes exist only in the drawing in which you made them.
Allow Checked-In Points To Be Modified

Specifies whether you can change checked in points when you are working offline.

Point Identity

Use these settings to assign defaults for point number identity.

Next Point Number

Specifies the next available point number.

Use Sequential Numbering

Specifies whether points are automatically numbered in sequence as they are created.

  • False: Prompts you to assign point numbers as you create points.
  • True: Automatically numbers points in sequence, starting with the number specified in Next Point Number
Point Number Offset

Specifies the offset added to imported point numbers when If Point Numbers Are Supplied is set to Add An Offset. Enter an offset.

Sequence Point Numbers From

Specifies the starting point number for imported points when If Point Numbers Need To Be Assigned is set to Sequence From. Enter a starting point number.

If Point Numbers Are Supplied

Specifies how to handle point numbers that are included in the point data being imported:

  • Use: Uses the point numbers in the point data file to create points during import.
  • Ignore: Does not use the point numbers in the point data file to create points during import. Points are numbered according to the If Point Numbers Need To Be Assigned setting.
  • Add an Offset: Adds a fixed value, the value specified in Point Number Offset, to each point number in the point data file. For example, if you specify 200 for Point Number Offset, then points with numbers 1, 2, and 3 in the point data file are numbered 201, 202, and 203 when imported.
Force Names

Specifies if null point names are allowed.:

  • False: Point names are not automatically assigned to a point when it is created or imported.
  • True: Point names are always assigned to a point when it is created or imported.
If Point Numbers Already Exist

Specifies how to handle point numbers that already exist when the same point number is present in the data being imported:

  • Renumber: Assigns new point numbers to any imported points whose point numbers already exist. Points are numbered according to the If Point Numbers Need To Be Assigned setting.
  • Merge: Merges the point data of the existing point with the point data of the imported point. Point properties, such as level or raw description, that are specified in the point data file overwrite the point properties existing in the drawing. Point properties that are not specified in the point data file are preserved in the drawing.
  • Overwrite: Overwrites all point properties using the values in the point data file. No data is preserved; point properties that are not specified in the point data file are blank in the drawing.
  • Notify: Notifies you that a point number collision has occurred. Opens the Duplicate Point Number dialog box where you can specify how to resolve the collision.
Note: For more information about how the Merge and Overwrite options work, see To Edit the Point Identity Settings.
If Point Names Already Exist

Specifies how to handle point names that already exist when the same point name is present in the data being imported:

  • Use Name Template: Uses the name specified in the Point Name Template.
  • Counter: Increments a counter to the current point name.
  • Notify: Notifies you that a point name collision has occurred. Opens the Duplicate Point Name dialog box where you can specify how to resolve the collision.
If Point Numbers Need To Be Assigned

Specifies how new point numbers are assigned, when required, during import:

  • Use Next Point Number: Points are created using the next available point number.
  • Sequence From: Points are created beginning with the point number specified in Sequence Point Numbers From. Additional points are created with point numbers specified by incrementing the starting point number. For example, if you specify 300 for Sequence Point Numbers From, the first point is created with point number 300, the second point is created with point number 301, and the next point is created with point number 302.

Table Creation

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the AddPointTable command.

Use these settings to establish the defaults when you add a point table.

Table Style

Specifies the style for a table. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Table Style dialog box.

Split Table

Specifies whether a table is split into two or more sections after a specified maximum number of rows has been met.

Maximum Number of Rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows to include per section. If the number of data rows exceeds the specified maximum, the table is split into sections, and they are displayed either side by side (left to right), or stacked vertically.

Maximum Tables Per Stack

Specifies the maximum number of sections to include in each stack.

Table Spacing

Specifies the spacing between tables.

Tile Direction

Specifies the direction in which the table tiles (across or down).

Default Layer

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the ConvertPointsToSdskPoints and CreatePoints commands.

Use this setting to establish default layer information when you create points.


Specifies a default layer. Click in the Value column, and click to select or create a layer in the Layer Selection dialog box.

Points Creation

Note: This property group is displayed when accessing the settings from the CreatePoints command.

Use these settings to establish default information for creating points.

Local Coordinates

Specifies the order and format used to display local coordinates on the command line during point creation:

  • Easting - Northing
  • Northing - Easting
  • X - Y
  • Y - X
Grid Coordinates

Specifies the order in which grid coordinates are displayed on the command line during point creation:

  • Grid Easting - Grid Northing
  • Grid Northing - Grid Easting
Geographic Coordinates

Specifies the order in which geographic coordinates are displayed on the command line during point creation:

  • Latitude - Longitude
  • Longitude - Latitude
Prompt For Levels

Specifies how levels are assigned point creation:

  • Automatic: Creates points using the level value specified in Default Level.
  • Manual: Prompts you to enter a level at the command line when a point is created.
  • None: Creates points without levels.
Note: If you are prompted for a level while creating a point and you want to create a point without a level, enter a period (.) at the prompt
Prompt For Point Names

Specifies how point names are entered during point creation:

  • Automatic: Point names will automatically be assigned based on the point name template.
  • Manual: Prompts for a point name at the command line when a point is created.
  • None: Creates points without point names.
Prompt For Descriptions

Specifies how descriptions are assigned during point creation:

  • Automatic: Creates points using the description specified in Default Description.
  • Automatic-Object: Creates point description from the object.
    Note: Use the Automatic - Object option with commands from the About Creating Points Based on Horizontal Alignments list. When you specify this option the Alignment name and Chainage display in the Raw Description column in the Point Editor window.
  • Manual: Prompts for a description at the command line when a point is created.
  • None: Creates points without descriptions.
Note: If you are prompted for a description while creating a point and you want to create a point without a description, enter a period (.) at the prompt.
Default Level

Specifies the level automatically assigned by the point creation commands when the Prompt For Levels setting is set to Automatic. Enter a level in the Value column or click and select a level in the drawing area.

Default Description

Specifies the description that is automatically assigned by the point creation commands when Prompt For Descriptions is set to Automatic.

Match On Description Parameters ($1, $2, Etc.)

Specifies whether parameters are used in description key matching to rotate and scale the point symbol.

For more information, see To Control Whether Raw Description Values Are Interpreted as Parameters During Point Creation

Disable Description Keys

Specifies whether description key matching occurs during point creation. For more information, see About Activating Description Key Matching.

Note: If you change this setting, then the Disable Description Keys check box on the Create Points dialog box is also changed to the same state.
Echo Coordinates To Command Line

Specifies whether coordinates are displayed on the command line when creating points.