Band Details Tab (Profile Data Box Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to design the format and contents of the band style.

Title Text

Click the Compose Label button to change attributes of the band title, using the Label Style Composer dialog box.


Band Height

Specifies the vertical dimension of the band in plotted units, which can affect readability of the contents.

Text Box Width

Specifies the width (in plotted units) of the box that contains the band title.

Offset From Band

Specifies the distance between the title box and the left side of the data box.

Text Box Position

Specifies the location of the title text box with respect to the band: Left of Band or Right of Band.

Note: In the Superelevation Band Style - Band Details tab, you can specify the height as User Specified or Automatic. If you select Automatic you can enter a Vertical Exaggeration value.

Labels and Ticks


Specifies the location type to be labeled, which varies according to the band style:

    Profile Data Boxes Style: major chainage, minor chainage, horizontal geometry point (HGP), vertical geometry point (VGP), chainage equation, or incremental distance.

    Vertical Geometry Bands Style: uphill straight, downhill straight, crest curve, or sag curve.

    Horizontal Geometry Bands Style: straight, curve, transition, or intersection point.

    Superelevation Data Boxes Style: normal crossfall, level crown, reverse crossfall, full super, shoulder critical points, or slope transition region.

    Long Section Boxes Style: sample line chainage, incremental cross section.

    Pipe Data Boxes Style: structure, pipe.

    Pressure Network Data Bands Style: pressure pipe, fitting, ancillary.

    Cant Data: end level rail, begin full cant, end full cant, begin level rail, cant manual station, applied cant, equilibrium cant and alignment critical points.
    Note: To add labels and ticks at alignment critical point stations, you must specify which geometry points to display in the Geometry Points to Label in Band dialog box.

    Speed: critical points, design speed and design speed station.

    Note: To add labels and ticks at critical point stations, you must specify which geometry points to display in the Geometry Points to Label in Band dialog box.

Several label styles can appear in the same data box, but each one must be composed separately. Each appears in the preview as it is created.

Full Band Height Ticks

Select if you want a line across the band for each tick.

Small Ticks At

Select if you want smaller ticks. Select the tick location (Top, Middle, or Bottom of the band), and specify the tick size in drawing units.

Compose Label

Click to review or change the label text, using the Label Style Composer dialog box.

Anchor label to

Specifies how labels are anchored in Profile View Horizontal Geometry and Vertical Geometry Bands.

  • Segment in Band anchors the label in the middle of the drawn segment, regardless of whether this is the true middle.
  • True Geometry Location anchors the label to the true middle of the item being labeled. If this location is not shown in the profile view, the label components anchored to that point are not shown either.
Schematic Line Option

For horizontal geometry data boxes, specify what information is represented with schematic lines in the data box:

  • Geometry shows curved lines where transitions and curves are located
  • Radius shows angled lines for transitions and offset straight lines for curves. The line at the location of each curve is offset from the band centerline a distance directly proportional to the curve radius. For example, the line for a 100-radius curve is closer to the centerline than the line for a 1000-radius curve.
  • Curvature shows angled lines for transitions and offset straight lines for curves. The line at the location of each curve is offset from the band centerline a distance directly proportional to the rate of curvature (inverse of radius). For example, the line for a 100-radius curve is farther from the centerline than the line for a 1000-radius curve.