Calculate Superelevation - Shoulder Control Page

Use this page of the wizard to specify the shoulder treatment.

Inside Central Reserve Shoulders and Outside Edge Shoulders


The Inside Central Reserve Shoulders section is disabled if you specify Single Crowned or Single Planar as the Carriageway Type on the first page of the Superelevation wizard.


Clear the Calculate button to disable Normal Shoulder Width and Normal Shoulder Slope.

Normal Shoulder Width

Specifies the typical width of the shoulder, either inside or outside.

Normal Shoulder Slope

Specifies the % slope value of the carriageway shoulders.

Shoulder Slope Treatment

Select one of the following treatments for the Low Side and High Side:

  • Default Slopes: Default slopes are retained and shoulders are not superelevated.
  • Match Lane Crossfalls: Shoulder slopes match the slopes applied to the adjacent carriageways through out the superelevation process.
  • Breakover Removal: Shoulders on the outside edge of the curve are adjusted upward to match the Normal Lane Crossfall (%) before the lane begins to superelevate. The highside shoulder slope matches the highside lane crossfall throughout the superelevation process, and it then rotates downward back to the Normal Shoulder Slope (%) value when the lanes are back to the unsuperelevated condition.
Maximum Shoulder Rollover
Specifies the maximum value for shoulder rollover, and then calculates the alignment chainages (Begin Shoulder Rollover and End Shoulder Rollover) at which the maximum value is exceeded and met. Between those chainages, shoulder slopes are raised just enough to maintain the maximum shoulder rollover value. This reduces the gradient break between the lane and the shoulder.
Note: The Maximum Shoulder Rollover value must be the same for both Inside Central Reserve Shoulders and Outside Central Reserve Shoulders.