Point Cloud Selection Page (Create TIN Surface from Point Cloud Wizard)

Use this page to specify the point cloud data to include in the surface.

Selection Options

Use these options to select point clouds and areas of point clouds.

Select an Entire Point Cloud
Selects an entire point cloud. Click the button and select a point cloud in the drawing or press Enter to display the Select Point Cloud dialog box, from which you can select a point cloud.
Add a Selected Area of a Point Cloud
Selects an area of one or more point clouds. A selected area can enclose points from more than one point cloud. Click the button and use one of the following options to define the area:
  • Pick two points to define a window area.
    Note: When other options are active at the command line you can enter W to return to this selection option.
  • Enter G for polyGon and pick points to define a polygon area. When using this option, a Close option is displayed at the command line. When you have finished selecting points to define the polygon area, use Close option to close the polygon area.
  • Enter LI for polyLIne and select an existing closed polyline that surrounds the area.
  • Note: While these command line options are active, you can also enter P for Point cloud and select an entire point cloud.
Remove a Selection From the List
Removes a selection from the list. Select an item in the Selected Areas list and click this button to remove it from the list. If no items are currently selected in the list when you click the button, the Create TIN Surface from Point Cloud wizard is hidden and you are prompted to select the area to remove in the drawing.

Selected Areas

This list shows the point clouds and areas of point clouds that have been selected.

Displays the type of selection: point cloud, window area, polygon area, or polyline area.
Point Cloud Name
Displays the name of the point cloud that is selected. If a selected area encloses points from more than one point cloud, multiple point cloud names are listed in the Point Cloud Name column.
Points Selected
Displays the approximate number of points in the selection.
Percentage to Import
Displays the percentage of points within the selected areas that will be used in the surface. You can adjust the percentage by changing the value that is displayed in the Distance Between Points column.
Distance Between Points
By default, displays the estimated mean distance between the points from all of the selected areas. To calculate the default distance, the distance between each point and point nearest to it is calculated and then those distances are averaged. You can change the default value to a higher distance in order to reduce the percentage of points that will be used in the surface.
Total Number of Points Selected
Displays the total number of points that are selected, from all of the selected areas.