About Locking and Unlocking Points

Lock a point to prevent its properties from being modified in a drawing.

A locked point is designated by in the Prospector tree and the Point collection list view. The icon is displayed only if the Toolspace tree drawing state icons are displayed.

Note: A locked point is locked only in the drawing. A protected point is protected at the project level. For more information, see To Work With Vault Project Points.

A locked point cannot have any of its properties changed, including its point style and point label style. It cannot be edited, deleted, or overwritten. However, you can reposition its label in the drawing.

When you are working with a drawing point that is not related to a project point, lock the point to prevent changes as previously described. Unlock the point to change it, including changing its XYZ values.

When you work with a local copy of a project point or Survey point, the locking behavior of a point changes. When you check a drawing point into a project, the local copy of the point is automatically locked, so that no changes can be made to it as described previously.

If you unlock a point with either a project state of checked in, checked out to other, or protected, you cannot modify its XYZ values, but you can change its point styles.

If you need to change a local copy of a project point in a drawing, use the Allow Checked In Points To Be Modified setting. It is important to remember that any changes you make to the point can never be checked in to the project.

Important: If you edit points without checking them out, you cannot check the points in to the project. Your changes exist only in the drawing in which you made them.

Lock or unlock all the points in a drawing using the Points collection context menu. Lock or unlock individual drawing points using the list view context menu. Lock or unlock all the points in a point group point list using a single command.