To Swap Surface Triangle Edges

Use edge swapping to change the direction of two triangle faces in the surface model so that, for example, the triangle edges match ridges or swales.

  1. To perform this operation, ensure that the surface style has triangles visibility enabled. For more information, see About Surface Styles and Visualization.
    Note: TIN volume surfaces do not support editing operations.
  2. In Toolspace, on the Prospector tab, expand the surface Definition collection, right-click , and click Swap Edge.
  3. At the command line, you are prompted to select an edge (line) to swap.

  4. Click the edge to swap it.

    The edge is swapped if the following criteria are met:

    • You must click within 1 unit of an edge.
    • Two visible triangles are separated by the edge.
    • The edge is not a breakline edge or an edge created by an Add Line operation.
    • The quadrilateral formed by the two triangles (which are separated by the edge) is convex.
  5. Optionally, continue to select edges to swap by clicking them.
  6. Press Enter to complete the operation.

    The edits are added as Swap Edge operations to the Edits list view in Prospector.

    Note: The Description column in the Prospector list view displays the coordinates of the point that you picked in the drawing area to select the edge.

Tutorial Exercise: Swapping Triangulation Edges