To Create a Part in Part Builder

Keep the following tips in mind as you use Part Builder:

  1. Click Home tabCreate Design panelPart Builder Find.

    The Getting Started - Catalog Screen dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the Structure part catalog by selecting Structure from the Part Catalog list at the top of this dialog box.
  3. Select the Simple Shapes folder, then click New Parametric Part .

    The New Part dialog box is displayed.

  4. Enter a name for this new part family. For example, enter Simple Cylinder 2.
  5. Click in the Description field.

    By default, when you click in the Description field, the description is the same as the part name until you change it. You can type over this text to change it or add to it.

  6. Click OK to create the new, undefined part family.

    The new part family is displayed in the part browser window.

  7. Proceed to To Specify the Part Configuration in Part Builder.