Compute Quantity Takeoff Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to calculate and report quantity takeoff for a drawing or various elements of the drawing.

Report Type


Click to output a summary report of material quantity takeoff.


Click to output an itemized report of material quantity takeoff.

Report Extents


Specifies the extent that the quantity takeoff report will cover.

Drawing: Specifies that the report will cover the entire drawing.

Sheet: Specifies that the report will cover the sheet.

Selection Set: Specifies that the report will cover selected objects in the drawing. Click to select the set in the drawing.

Report Quantity For Sheet Extents Only

Select to specify that the quantity report will cover only those objects in the sheet.

This option is only available when Sheet is selected in the Extents list.

Limit Extents To Alignment Chainage Range

Select to specify that the report extents will be limited by a selected alignment, start chainage, and end chainage.


Specifies the alignment from which the chainage range will be drawn. Select an alignment from the list, or click to select the alignment in the drawing.

This option is only available when Limit Extents To Alignment Chainage Range is selected.

This option is not available when Sheet is selected in the Report Extents list.

Start Chainage

Specifies the chainage at which the chainage range will start. Enter a chainage in the field or click to select the chainage in the drawing.

This option is only available when Limit Extents To Alignment Chainage Range is selected.

End Chainage

Specifies the chainage at which the chainage range will end. Enter a chainage in the field or click to select the chainage in the drawing.

This option is only available when Limit Extents To Alignment Chainage Range is selected.

Report Output

Report Selected Rate Items Only

Select to specify that only objects with rate items selected in the QTO Manager vista are reported.

Report Chainage And Offset Relative To

Select an alignment in the list, or click to select an alignment in the drawing, relative to which chainage and offset information are reported for objects with rate items.



Generates a quantity takeoff report.