To Create a Survey Point By Offset

Create a new point by offsetting the last point you created by a given distance.

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click the network that you want to add points to, and click Survey Command Window.
  2. At the Command line, enter:

    TP OFFSET (point) [offset] [ahead] (description)


NEZ 1 1000 1000 30.480

AZ 1 2 100

STN 1 1.585

BS 2

AD 3 100 30.480

TP OFFSET 4 15.240 7.620


! POINT 4 NORTH: 961.9000 EAST: 984.7600

! LEVEL: <Null>

Point 4 is located at an offset distance of 15.240, and an ahead distance of 7.620, from point 3.

Point created by offset

Command Syntax

TP OFFSET (point) [offset] (ahead) (description)

Parameter Definition
point The point identifier of the new point. You do not need to assign a point number if auto point numbering is on.
offset The offset distance from the last point created.
ahead The distance added to the line between the station and the last point created to locate the position of the new point (optional).
description An optional description associated with the point.