Balancing Options Page (Create Mass Haul Diagram Wizard)

Use this page to set free haul distance, and borrow pit/dump site properties for the mass haul diagram.

Use the following controls to specify the free haul distance and type, location and capacity of borrow pits/dump sites:

Free Haul Options

Free Haul Distance

Select this option to set a free haul distance value. If the option is cleared, no free haul distance is assigned to the mass haul diagram. If you select the option, you can either accept the default or set your own free haul distance in the field below.

Add/Remove Borrow Pits And Dump Sites

Add Borrow Pit

Click to add a borrow pit to the list.

Add Dump Site

Click to add a dump site to the list.

Deletes any selected borrow pit or dump site from the list.



Specifies whether the balancing feature is a borrow pit or a dump site. Click in this field to change the type of balancing feature.


Specifies the chainage at which the borrow pit or dump site will be located. The chainage can be specified either by entering a chainage value or selecting the chainage in the viewport. When you select the chainage in the viewport, you must select it from a point along the alignment in the plan view, and not along the X axis of the mass haul view.


Specifies the volume to be borrowed or dumped at the borrow pit or dump site.