Statistics Tab (Interference Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to view statistical information, including specific location information, and part names of the parts involved in the interference.


Displays general statistics for the two parts comprising the interference.

Network Part1 / Network1

Displays the object name for the first pipe or structure comprising the interference. This field also displays the name of the pipe network the pipe or structure belongs to.

Network Part2 / Network2

Displays the object name for the second pipe or structure comprising the interference. This field also displays the name of the pipe network the pipe or structure belongs to.

Interference Location (X, Y, Z)

Displays the X, Y, and Z location information for the interference. The interference is a solid calculated by the union of the two interfering parts. The X,Y,Z location is the location of the centroid of that interference solid.

Interference Check

Displays the name of the interference check this interference belongs to.