Select Projects To Display Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to select the projects to display in the Prospector tree and the Add to Project dialog box.

The dialog box contains a list, in a tree view format, of all the projects available in the Vault database you are logged in to. Project names with a selected check box will be displayed in the Projects collection in the Master View of the Prospector tree.

When an active project has been set, the name of the active project is not displayed in the list.

Selects all projects in the list.

Clears the selection of all projects in the list.

Selects multiple project names. Use Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select multiple project names, then click this button to select their check boxes.

Clears multiple project names. Use Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select multiple project names, then click this button to clear their check boxes.


Lists all the projects available in the database.


Displays the description field for each project.