To Create a Widened Region on an Alignment

Create a widened region along an existing alignment.

Use this command to create features such as turning lanes, bus bays, and roadside parking areas.

  1. Click Home tabCreate Design panelAlignment drop-downCreate Widening Find.
  2. Click an alignment to attach the widening to. This is also known as the parent alignment.
  3. Specify whether to create the widening as a new alignment, or part of the parent alignment. A widening can be part of the parent alignment only if the parent is a dynamic offset or corner radius.
  4. Specify start and end chainages for the widening, either by clicking on the parent alignment or entering numeric chainage values.
  5. Specify the offset width.
  6. Specify whether the widening is offset to the left or right of the parent alignment.
  7. The widening is created, and its default parameters are displayed in the Offset Parameters window.