Use this tab to view or edit properties associated with this ancillaries.
Changing the reference surface and alignment in this dialog box changes the reference for the existing pressure network part. To change the reference surface and alignment only for new parts added to this pressure network, you can change the references on the Layout Settings tab of the Pressure Pipe Network Properties dialog box.
Specifies the reference surface for the ancillaries. The surface provides level data to the pressure network objects.
Specifies the reference alignment for the ancillaries. The alignment provides chainage and offset data to the pressure network objects for labeling purposes.
Specifies the easting of the ancillariee's insertion point.
Specifies the northing of the ancillaries's insertion point.
Specifies the level of the ancillaries's insertion point.
Displays the chainage of the ancillaries's insertion point.
Displays the offset of the ancillaries's insertion point.
These properties are read-only and show a variety of part characteristics.