Array Tab (Group Plot Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to edit settings for the plot rules and page layout features for the section views.

Plot Rules

Specifies whether to plot the section views by rows or columns.

By Rows

Plots section views in rows as specified.

By Columns

Plots section views in columns as specified.

Start Corner

Specifies the starting corner for plotting the section views.

Align Section Views About

Specifies how the section views are aligned. Select one:

  • Left
  • Centerline
  • Right
Cell Sizes

Specifies how the size of each cell in the array will be determined. For this item, the term “cell” refers to the rectangular area in an array of section views in which a single section view is displayed. Select one:

  • Uniform For All: When this option is selected, each section view in the array will be displayed in an area (cell) that is the same size for all section views in the array. The size of each cell will be the size of the tallest and the widest section view in the array. Therefore, when this option is selected, all cells in the array will be the same size.
  • Uniform Per Row Or Column: When By Rows is selected at the top of this dialog box, and you also select this option, each row in the array will be fit to the height of the tallest section view in the row. Therefore, when this option is selected, each row in an array may have a different height. However, within each row, all section views will display in an area with the same cell height (row height). When By Column is selected at the top of this dialog box, and you also select this option, each column in the array will be fit to the width of the widest section view in the column. Therefore, when this option is selected, each column in an array may have a different width. However, within each column, all section views will display in an area with the same cell width (column width).

Space Between Adjacent Section Views


Specifies the spacing between columns.


Specifies the spacing between rows.

Add Drafting Buffer Size to Space Between Views

Specifies whether the drafting buffer size is considered when applying the column and row spacing.

  • When selected, the column and row spacing is applied between the edges of drafting buffers.

  • When cleared, the column and row spacing is applied between the edges of the section views and does not take into account the drafting buffers.

For more information about drafting buffers, see About Section View Drafting Buffers.