Orientation Behavior

The Orientation behavior lets you control whether and how delegates rotate, independent of their direction of motion. Normally, a delegate always faces in the direction it is moving. You can use the Orientation behavior to specify limits to the delegate's rotational activity without affecting its path, which is generated by other behaviors. Use these settings, for example, to keep delegates facing in one direction while moving in another.

Note: These settings do not affect the path a delegate takes, which is produced by other behaviors such as Seek and Avoid. They influence only the direction it faces as it traverses the path.


Heading group

Use these controls to affect how delegates turn on the vertical axis. By default, heading is absolute, with 0 specifying the positive X axis in World coordinates. Thus, -90 would specify the negative Y axis, 90 the positive Y axis, and 180 or -180 the negative X axis.

Absolute heading as viewed from the top

For example, if you wanted a delegate to be able to turn between the positive X axis and the positive Y axis, you would set Max Heading to 0 and Min Heading to 90.

You can also specify heading limits in amounts relative to the delegate's heading at the time that the Orientation behavior takes effect by turning on the Relative checkbox.

When on, Heading settings are applied relative to the delegate's heading at the time the behavior takes effect. When off, settings are absolute. Default=off.
Min Heading
The minimum permissible heading. This number should be lower than the Max Heading value. Default=180. Range=-180 to 180.
Max Heading
The maximum permissible heading. This number should be higher than the Min Heading value. Default=180. Range=-180 to 180.
Max Heading Vel[ocity]
Specifies how much the delegate's heading can change per frame. This controls angular acceleration and deceleration. Default=180.
Head. Response
Determines how quickly the heading follows the direction the object is moving in. A value of 1.0 indicates maximum responsiveness, and will point in the direction the delegate is moving (within the limits) while a lower value means that it is less responsive. Default=1. Range=0 to 1.

Pitch group

Use these controls to affect how delegates turn on the left-right axis.

When on, Pitch settings are applied relative to the delegate's pitch at the time the behavior takes effect. When off, settings are absolute. Default=off.
Min Pitch
The minimum number of degrees a delegate can incline or decline. This number should be lower than the Max Pitch value. Default=-180. Range=-180 to 180.
Max Pitch
The maximum number of degrees a delegate can incline or decline. This number should be higher than the Min Pitch value. Default=180. Range=-180 to 180.
Max Pitch Velocity
Specifies how much the delegate's pitch can change per frame. This controls angular acceleration and deceleration. Default=180.
Pitch Response
Determines how quickly the pitch follows the direction the object is moving in. A value of 1.0 indicates maximum responsiveness, so that will point in the direction the delegate is moving (within the limits) while a lower value means that it is less responsive. Default=1. Range=0 to 1.

Banking group

Use these controls to affect how delegates turn on the in-out axis. Banking is primarily a result of heading changes.

Max Bank
The maximum number of degrees the delegate can bank. Default=30.0.
Max Bank Velocity
The maximum number of degrees the delegate's bank angle can change per frame. This controls angular acceleration and deceleration. Default=3.0.
Bank per Turn
The number of degrees the delegate will bank as a function of the turn angle at the current frame. For example, if Bank per Turn=1, the delegate will bank one degree for every degree it is turning at a given frame. Default=1.0.