Zoom Extents All, Zoom Extents All Selected

The Zoom Extents All flyout is available in all viewports. It lets you zoom extents for all objects or for selected objects.

The flyout has two options:


To zoom all objects in one viewport:

  1. Activate the Perspective or orthographic viewport you want to zoom.
  2. Click Zoom Extents.

    The viewport displays all objects in the scene.

To zoom on a specific object:

  1. Activate the perspective or orthographic viewport you want to zoom.
  2. Select the object by clicking it, or press H to select it by name.
  3. Click Zoom Extents Selected.

    The viewport displays the selected object.

To exclude an object from Zoom Extents:

    Use this procedure, for example, to ignore lights that are far away from the other objects in the scene.

  1. Click an object to select it.
  2. Right-click the object and choose Properties.
  3. In the Display Properties group, make sure properties are set to By Object.
  4. Turn on Ignore Extents.

    The object will now be excluded by Zoom Extents and Zoom Extents Selected.


Zoom Extents All Selected

Centers and magnifies views so just the selected objects or sub-object selections in the scene are shown in all viewports. If no objects are selected, the effect is the same as Zoom Extents All.

Zoom Extents All

Centers and magnifies views so all the visible objects in the scene are shown in all viewports.