Example: To Create an Instanced Sub-Material

  1. Create a box and a sphere.
  2. Open the Compact Material Editor.
  3. Choose a sample slot, click the Material Type button, choose Multi/Sub-Object in the Material/Map Browser, and then click OK.
  4. Select the box, and then apply the new Multi/Sub-Object material to it.
  5. Drag one of the Sub-Material buttons from the Material Editor to the sphere.
  6. Choose a different sample slot, and use (Pick Material From Object) to get the sub-material applied to the sphere.

    At this point, the material applied to the sphere and the sub-material are instances of each other.

  7. Go to the parameters for the instanced sub-material by clicking its Sub-Material button.
  8. (Make Unique) is now available. Click it to make the sub-material unique again, and assign it a new material name.

    Make Unique is not available for the top-level instance of the sub-material.