Metal Highlights

Metal-shaded materials generate their own specular color. Also, the highlight curve for the Metal shader differs in shape from the curve for Blinn Oren-Nayar-Blinn, and Phong highlights.

Note: For the Raytrace material, the Specular Color component appears in the Specular Highlight group. Also, highlight controls that don’t pertain to the current shader are labeled “N/A.”


To increase or decrease the size and intensity of a highlight:

To increase or decrease the strength of a highlight:


Specular Level

Affects the intensity of the specular highlight. As you increase the value, the highlight grows brighter and the diffuse color grows dimmer. Default=10 for a Standard material, 50 for a Raytrace material.

Click the map button to assign a Specular Level map. This button is a shortcut: You can also assign a Specular Level map on the Maps rollout.


Affects the size of the specular highlight. As you increase the value, the highlight curve grows narrower and the highlight gets smaller. Default=10 for a Standard material, 40 for a Raytrace material.

Click the map button to assign a Glossiness map. This button is a shortcut: You can also assign a Glossiness map on the Maps rollout.

Highlight graph

This curve shows the effect of adjusting the values of Specular Level and Glossiness. As you decrease Glossiness, the curve grows wider; as you increase Specular Level, the curve grows taller.