Pattern Parameters Rollout (Vector Map)

Provides options when the vector graphic file is an AutoCAD hatch pattern (PAT) file.


Pattern drop-down list
If the PAT file contains more than one pattern, this drop-down list lets you choose the one to use in your scene.
Specifies the number of times to repeat the pattern.
Tip: To repeat a PAT pattern, use the Repeat value. Do not use the Tiling values on the Coordinates rollout. Tiling values other than 1.0 will cause seams to appear in your texture, and Tiling values less than 1.0 increase memory usage and rendering time. Tiling values less than 0.1 make the texture appear entirely black. The Repeat value does not have these issues.

You can animate this setting.

Line Width
Sets the width of the lines in the pattern, in terms of multiples of the default width of 1.0.

You can animate this setting.

Line Color
Click to open a Color Selector and choose a color for the lines in the pattern.

You can animate this setting.

Click to open a Color Selector and choose a color for the background of the pattern.

You can animate this setting.

Line Cap group

Sets how to display the ends of free-standing lines in the pattern.

  • Round (The default.) The ends of lines are rounded.
  • Square The ends of lines are squared off.
  • None In most cases, this option has the same result as Square.