Parameters Rollout (XRef Material)

Synchronizes the XRef material with XRef records (files) and entities (objects).

Highlight Corresponding XRef Record in the XRef Objects Dialog

Click to open the XRef Objects dialog and highlight the source file's current record with its object displayed in the XRef Entities list. If no file and object have yet been selected for the material, the XRef Objects dialog is displayed, and lets you browse for the file and material to use.

File name field

Displays the path and file name of the scene file containing the source of the XRef material. You can edit this to point to a different path and file.

File name display

Displays the file name only, without the path.

Path button

Click to display the Open File dialog from which you can specify a different path and file name for the source file. After you choose the file, 3ds Max displays the XRef Merge dialog that lets you choose the object whose material you want to reference.

Object name field

Displays the name of the source object pointed to in the source file.

Object name and material

Displays the name of the source object followed by the material name in parentheses. For example, “Shaker ( Chrome ).”

Path button

Click to display the XRef Merge dialog pointing to the scene in the XRef File Name field. Here, you can specify a different object whose material you want to reference.

Status line

Displays the status of the material. For example, if the file and object are both found, this field says “Status: XRef Resolved.”