Pack Dialog

The Pack dialog contains controls for rearranging texture clusters procedurally in the Edit UVWs dialog.


Sets the packing method:
  • Unfold3D (Default option) A packing approach based upon iterative minimization of the area of the bounding rectangle of the cluster layout. Generally produces the best results of the available algorithms, and performs better than the Non-Convex algorithm due to multithreading.
    Note: Starting in 3ds Max 2024.2, the Unfold3D Pack tool respects the current UV selection, and the operation is only applied to the selection.
  • Non-Convex An iterative approach that generally produces a more efficient packing arrangement than either the Recursive or Linear algorithm, at a marginal increase in computational cost.
  • Recursive Packing Packs the clusters efficiently, but is slower than the Linear method.
  • Linear Packing Uses a linear method to lay out the clusters. This method is fast but not very efficient, and tends to leave unused UV space.
The amount of space between clusters. This value is relative to the UV space of 0.0 to 1.0. The distance between UV clusters, after packing, is based on the padding size and the bitmap resolution value defined. If you're working with a smaller resolution, but the same padding amount, UV clusters will attempt to be packed further apart.

For best results, use a small value. In most cases, the default value works well.

Normalize Clusters
When on, scales the final layout to fit within the standard texture-coordinate space (0.0 to 1.0), indicated in the editor by a thick, dark-blue outline. When off, the final sizes of the clusters use object space, and can be larger than the editor mapping area. For best results, keep this setting on.
Rotate Clusters
Controls whether packing algorithm can rotate clusters to find the most optimal packing solution. When off, UV clusters will retain their rotation orientation that they originally set.
Note: In certain cases, Pack can rotate clusters by 90 degrees even if Rotate Clusters is off.
Fill Holes
When on, places smaller clusters in gaps among larger clusters to best take advantage of the available mapping space.
Rescale Clusters
When on, packing scales individual clusters so that texture sizes are uniform with the 3D geometry space. Alternatively, when groups with non-default Rescale Priority values are present, uses the specified scaling factors.
Note: Unfold3D will always rescale clusters.
Packing Resolution
Iterations: How many passes the algorithm will use to find the best resolution. Increasing this value may result in a more optimal packing solution, but will take more time.

Map Size: The target bitmap resolution you are attempting to pack to. This value is used in conjunction with padding to determine the proximity of the UV clusters in the final packing output.

Accepts the settings, closes the dialog, and performs the packing as specified.
Undoes any changes and closes the dialog.