To Animate with Edit Poly

To animate an Edit Poly operation on a sub-object selection:

  1. Select an object.
  2. Apply the Edit Poly modifier.
  3. Go to the first frame at which to set a key and turn on .
  4. On the Modify panel Edit Poly Mode rollout, choose Animate.
  5. Make a sub-object selection.
  6. Perform an operation on the selection, such as a transform or extrusion.
  7. Proceed to the next keyframe and continue to change settings for the current operation and sub-object selection.

    If you change the selection, the existing animation is applied to the new selection, and lost from the previous one. If you change the operation, any changes from the previous animation are frozen (that is, “baked” into the model) at the current frame, and only new keyframes are recorded in the current Edit Poly modifier.

    To animate different sub-object selections using different operations, use multiple applications of the Edit Poly modifier.

To apply an Edit Poly operation to an animated sub-object selection:

    This procedure demonstrates procedural animation with Edit Poly: the ability to change the location of application on an object during an animation using an existing, animated sub-object selection.

  1. Select an object.
  2. Create an animated sub-object selection. One way to do this is to apply a Volume Select modifier and animate the gizmo's transform, or animate the modifier effect by using an animated texture map.
  3. Apply the Edit Poly modifier.
  4. Go to the same sub-object level in Edit Poly, and then, on the Selection rollout, turn on Use Stack Selection.
  5. Scrub the time slider.

    The animated selection appears on the Edit Poly object.

  6. On the Modify panel Edit Poly Mode rollout, choose Animate.
  7. Perform an operation on the sub-object selection, such as a chamfer or extrusion. You don’t need to turn on Auto Key or use Set Key.
    Note: With Use Stack Selection on, you can't change the selection.

    Now, when you play the animation, the Edit Poly effect moves along with the animation of the sub-object selection.

    If you decide to animate a different function procedurally, first click Edit Poly Mode rollout Cancel.

Example: To apply an Edit Poly operation procedurally to an animated model:

    Edit Poly lets you layer an animated sub-object operation on top of an existing animation. Try this brief example:

  1. Create an animated model, such as a box with an animated Bend modifier.
  2. Apply an Edit Poly modifier, and on the Edit Poly Mode rollout, choose Animate. Also turn on .
  3. Go to the Polygon sub-object level.
  4. Go to frame 20 and extrude a polygon.
  5. Play the animation.

    The extrusion animation plays “on top” of the existing animation. This isn't possible with the Edit Mesh modifier.