Right-Click Menu for the Render Message Window

Right-clicking the Render Message Window displays a pop-up menu with some options for displaying and managing these messages.

Copy to Clipboard

Copies the messages in the current message tab to the Windows Clipboard.


Clear Messages

Clears messages from the window. This is the same as clicking Clear on the main window.


The options in this section are shortcuts to the Rendering Preferences panel of the Preference Settings dialog. Changing a setting here changes it on the Preferences dialog, and vice versa.

Show Information Messages

When on, displays informational messages in the Messages Window. Default=off.

Show Progress Messages

When on, displays progress messages in the Messages Window. Default=off.

Log Debug Messages (To File)

When on, writes debug messages to the log file, if one has been specified. Default=off.

Debug messages are never displayed in the Messages Window. The renderer can generate a large number of them, which would make the window hard to read.

Open Message Window on Error

Whenever the renderer detects an error, it generates an error message. When this option is on, the Messages Window is displayed and the error message appears in it. Default=on.


The preferences in this section are also shortcuts to the Rendering preferences. Changing a preference here changes it in the Preferences dialog, and vice versa.

Write Messages to File

When on, generates a log file. Default=off.

The other log file options are unavailable unless you turn on Write Messages To File:

  • Append to File When on, appends messages to the existing file. When off (or if the named file is not found), only new messages are written to the file. Default=off.
  • Specify File Opens a file dialog that lets you choose the name and location of the .log file.