Scripts Rollout (Render Setup Dialog)

The Scripts rollout lets you specify scripts to run before and after rendering. Each script executes once at the beginning or the end of the entire rendering job for the current scene; the scripts do not run on a per-frame basis.

The script to execute can be:

If relevant to its format, the script can have command-line arguments.

The pre-render script is executed before rendering (but after any other MAXScript scripts that are registered using the #preRender callback mechanism). The post-render script is executed after rendering has completed. You can also use the “Execute Now” buttons to run the scripts “by hand.”

Pre-Render group

Specifies a script to run before you render.

When on, the script is enabled.
Execute Now
Click to execute the script “by hand.”
File name field
When a script is selected, this field shows its path and name. You can edit this field.
Click to open a file dialog and choose the pre-render script to run.
Delete File
Click to remove the script.
Execute Locally (Ignored by Network Rendering)
When on, the script must run locally. If you use network rendering, the script is ignored. Default=off.

Post-Render group

Specifies a script to run after you render.

When on, the script is enabled.
Execute Now
Click to execute the script “by hand.”
File name field
When a script is selected, this field shows its path and name. You can edit this field.
Click to open a file dialog and choose the post-render script to run.
Delete File
Click to remove the script.