Using Configure Project Paths

Render-only machines do not require any form of authorization. However, you cannot use unauthorized versions of 3ds Max to access the Configure Project Paths dialog to specify alternative locations for servers to search for bitmap files.

If you do not want to concern yourself with configuring paths on render-only machines (servers), then turn on the Use Alternate Map Path or Include Maps option on the Network Job Assignment dialog.

The Use Alternate Map Paths option lets you specify an alternate folder where the rendering server can look for bitmaps if they are not found in the primary bitmap path.

If using Include Maps, network rendering will take care of making copies of the bitmaps and send them to the server assigned for rendering. When the rendering job is done, the copies are erased from the server hard drive. The files are placed in a \network\serverjob subdirectory of 3ds Max.

If a server cannot find a bitmap image in the path specified in the file, it then searches the paths listed in its own Bitmaps panel. Only after searching in all locations will the server fail due to missing maps. If you have followed instructions in the previous topics (Setting Up Directories, Sharing a Directory, and Mounting a Directory), then you know that a common map directory on the network is the best way to proceed. Use the following steps to properly configure your paths on the machine running the authorized copy of 3ds Max and on the servers meant for render-only purposes.


To add bitmap paths to the External Files panel from within 3ds Max:

  1. Run 3ds Max on a machine running an authorized copy of 3ds Max.
  2. Choose Customize Configure Project Paths to open the Configure Project Paths dialog, and then click the External Files tab, if necessary.
  3. Use the Add button to specify the paths (UNC or mounted) to every directory on the network where bitmap files are stored for rendering. Make sure you use UNC or mounted directories, even if the maps are on the local drive.
  4. Click OK.

To add bitmap paths to render-only machines using the initialization file:

    Use the following steps if you do not want to authorize 3ds Max on the server machine(s).

  1. Install the 3ds Max core software on the server station(s).
  2. Copy the 3dsmax.ini file from your authorized 3ds Max workstation to the 3ds Max directory of each of your servers.

If you followed the previous procedure, the copied initialization file contains information about UNC or mounted directories that stores the required bitmap files.

Note: To prevent mishaps, it is usually a good idea to edit the INI file once it is copied to the server. Remember that the server machine can be configured differently than your 3ds Max workstation: The drive letter, program directory, and subdirectories may be different. Use a word processor to edit all entries under the [Directories] section to match entries of the server machine.

For example:
