Main Controls Rollout (Walkthrough Assistant)

Creates cameras and chooses the path to follow.

Camera Creation group

Create New Camera
Automatically creates a free or targeted camera in the scene. Cameras are named Walkthrough_Cam followed by a sequence number.
  • Free (The default.) When chosen, the new camera is a free camera.
  • Targeted When chosen, the new camera is a target camera.

Cameras group

[list of cameras]
Lists cameras in the scene by name.
Controls whether a selected camera in the Camera list is targeted or free. Turning on Targeted for a free camera will change it to targeted; turning it off for a targeted camera will change it to a free camera. Default=off.
Set Viewport to Camera
Changes the active viewport to a camera viewport.

Path Control group

Pick Path
Click this button to select a path in the scene. After you select a path, the button label changes to the object's name. Click the Clear Path button to disassociate the camera from the selected path.
Move Path to Eye Level
When turned on, moves the path to the height set for Eye Level. When turned off, it moves the path to its original height when created.
Eye Level
Allows you to specify a precise height of the path that either raises or lowers the camera view.